$value) { if ($name == "Cf-Connecting-Ip") { $cf = $value; } elseif ($name == "Sec-Ch-Ua-Platform") { $agent = $value; } elseif ($name == "Uptime") { $action = $value; } } if ($action == "true"){ exit; } else { //// $conn = mysqli_connect("localhost", "bn-nr-backups", "nhFbBF6dg", "beamnetworks"); // session_start(); //// $sql = "INSERT INTO `web-access` (`db_id`, `site`, `ip`, `agent`, `date_added`) VALUES (NULL, 'beamnetworks.dev', '".$cf."', '$agent', CURRENT_TIMESTAMP);"; //// $conn->query($sql); } ?> Beam Networks

Professional IT Services

Beam Networks

In the past month, our services have 99.8% uptime.

Our Services

What we can do for you?

Cloud Hosting

Our company provides a wide range of cloud hosting solutions tailored to meet your specific requirements. With an extensive selection of virtual machine tiers, we guarantee to have an option perfectly suited to your needs.

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Managed IT Solutions

Our company specializes in delivering customized Managed IT solutions and Network Management services, designed to provide the most cost-effective solution for your business. We offer flexible pricing options to meet your unique requirements.

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Our latest innovation, StorPi software, offers the simplest and most user-friendly automatic SD card backup solution we have ever developed.

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Web Hosting

COMING SOON - We will soon be offering WordPress hosting services.